9 research outputs found

    Restless legs syndrome and depression-anxiety disorder association in iron deficiency anemia patients

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    Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a disorder in which the person experiences a strong urge to move their legs or other extremities during rest. This urge to move is associated with tingling, pulling or other unpleasant and uncomfortable feelings; it usually slowly increases in the affected limb and often affects sleep. The incidence in general population is 5-15%. Although the pathophysiology is not fully understood, it was thought to result from the iron and dopamine metabolism irregularities and also has a genetic component. There are publications that show the frequency of disease in patients with iron deficiency or renal failure reaches up to 80%. In this study, we investigated the incidence of restless leg syndrome in anemic patients without any other organic disease or drug use, which can cause restless legs syndrome. We also tried to find out if there is a relation between restless legs syndrome, ferritin levels, anxiety and depression. Our retrospective, cross sectional study was made in The Ministry of Health and family medicine, neurology and psychiatry outpatient clinics of Ordu University Education and Research Hospital. 47 patients who were admitted to above mentioned clinics whose ferritin levels were under 50 ng/ml without any other disease and were not on medication (including those indicated for iron deficiency anemia) was included in to the study. All patients were given the Beck depression inventory and Beck anxiety inventory. The patients were questioned in terms of the basic diagnostic criteria established by International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group. Definitive diagnosis could be established by the patients that meet the four criterias for the diagnosis. International Restless Legs Scale applied to patients diagnosed with RLS. Of 47 patients, 39 were female and 8 were male. 28 (%59.6) of the patients met the criteria of RLS. 28 patients with a diagnosis of RLS; 4 of them mild, 11 of them moderate, 8 of them severe and 5 of them experienced very severe symptoms of RLS. The relationship between the RLS and ferritin levels were checked and there was no statistically significant difference between them. A significant difference was not found in Beck depression scores between patients with and without RLS, but when the groups were compared in terms of Beck anxiety score, there were a significant difference. There was no significant relationship between RLS severity and Beck depression or Beck anxiety scores. RLS can be seen in %5-15 of general population and it is much more likely to emerge in the presence of an organic problem such as iron deficiency anemia. The diagnosis of the disorder is set clinically and RLS had a different significance because it may cause sleep disturbances and psychiatric disorders. If not questioned, this problem, which is not easily noticeable, can lead to misdiagnosis and misinterpreted as an anxiety disorder or a primary sleep disorder. Therefore the symptoms that could be corrected only by iron deficiency treatment, could be inşamed further by giving antidepressants and hypnotics

    Patient related disease symptoms suffered by individuals providing home care for patients diagnosed with alzheimer’s

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    Amaç: Bu araştırma Alzheimer tanılı hastaya ev ortamında bakım veren bireylerin hastalarıyla ilgiliyakındıkları hastalık semptomlarını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır.Materyal ve Metot: Tanımlayıcı tipte olan araştırma Alzheimer tanılı hastalar ve bakım vericileriüzerinde Nisan 2015– Nisan 2016 tarihleri arasında yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın evrenini bir ilmerkezinde yaşayan Alzheimer tanılı 70 hasta ve bakım vericisi, örneklemini ise Alzheimer tanılı 60hasta ve bakım vericisi oluşturmuştur. Verilerin toplanmasında Hasta ve Bakım Verici Tanıtım Formu,Alzheimer Hastalığı Semptom Tarama Formu ve Standardize Mini Mental Test kullanılmıştır.Bulgular: Araştırma kapsamındaki hastaların yaş ortalamalarının 82.927.17, hastalık süresiortalamalarının 5,373,09 yıl olduğu ve hastaların Mini Mental Test puan ortalamalarının 11,088,39olduğu bulunmuştur. Araştırmada kognitif alanda bakım vericilerin %93,30’u yakın geçmişi hatırlamadazorluk, %83,30’u içinde bulunduğu zamanı hatırlamada zorluk, %81,70’i karar vermede zorlanma,%80,0’ı çevresindeki kişileri tanımada zorluk semptomlarından yakınmaktadır. Davranışsal ve psikolojikalanda bakım vericilerin %78,30’u tedirginlik, %73,30’u ajitasyon, %71,70’i insomnia ve %60,0’ıhalüsinasyon semptomlarından yakınmaktadır. İşlevsel alanda bakım vericilerin %80,0’ı öz bakımısağlayamama, %78,30’u kendi başına giyinememe ve soyunamama, %68,30’u idrar ve bağırsakkontrolünü sağlayamama ve %41,70’i kendi başına beslenmesini sağlayamama gibi semptomlardanyakınmaktadır.Sonuç: Araştırmada Alzheimer tanılı hastaya ev ortamında bakım verenlerin kognitif, davranışsal,psikolojik ve işlevsel alanla ilişkili semptom yakınmalarının olduğu belirlenmiştir.Objectives: This study was conducted to find out the disease symptoms suffered by the caregivers ofpatients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.Materials and Methods: The study, which had a descriptive design, was conducted on patientsdiagnosed with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers between April 2015 and April 2016. The universe of thestudy consists of 70 patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers living in the city centre,while the sample of the study consists of 60 patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers.Patient and Caregiver Introductory Form, Alzheimer’s Disease Symptom Screening Form andStandardized Mini Mental Test were used to collect the data.Results: Average age of the patients was 82.927.17, while their average disease duration was 5.373.09years and their Mini Mental Test score average was 11.088.39. In terms of cognitive domain, 93.30% ofthe caregivers suffered about the symptom of ‘difficulty in remembering the past’, 83.30% in‘remembering the present’, 81.70% in ‘making a decision’ and 80.0% in’ recognizing people around’. Inbehavioural and psychological domain, the symptoms suffered by the caregivers were; nervousness,agitation, insomnia and hallucination by 78.30%, 73.30%, 71.70% and 60.0%, respectively. In functionaldomain, the symptoms suffered by the caregivers were; not being able to do self?care, to get dressed andundressed alone, to control urine and bowels and to feed oneself by respectively 80.0%, 78.30%, 68.30%and 41.70% of the caregivers. Conclusion: The results of the study showed that individuals providing home care to patientsdiagnosed with Alzheimer’s had complaints about symptoms related to cognitive, behavioural,psychological and functional domains

    Pervalence of intestinal parasites in Ordu province

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    Objective: The epidemiology of intestinal parasites vary according to country’s geographic location, sociocultural structure and diet. An epidemiological study of intestinal parasites has not been observed in Ordu Province and around. The aim of this study was determining the intestinal parasites data of Ordu Provincial Health Directorate retrosrectively. Methods: Between January 2006 and December 2013 the data of the provinceal Health Directorate of Ordu were retrospectively evaluated. Results: 7194 positivity has been reported in the study. Quantitative distribution of the parasites were as follows; 3415 Enterobius vermicularis, 2802 Ascaris lumbricoides, 1182 Entamoeba histolytica, 705 Giardia intestinalis, 682 Taenia spp, 245 Hookworm infection, 22 Trichuris trichiura, 17 Fasciola hepatica and 12 Strongiloides stercoralis. Conclusion: As a result intestinal parasites in Ordu Province is a major public health problem

    Prospective interpretation of Covid vaccines. A cross sectional study, Ordu province experience

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    During the pandemic period, many regulations were made to reduce the spread of the epidemic throughout the country and restrictions were applied. We aimed to interpret the effects of vaccination status, total number of vaccination doses and preferred vaccine type on the prognostic process of the patients we treated inpatients with the diagnosis of Covid-19 in our pandemic service. The present descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Ordu, Turkey. One hundred and fifty-two people participated. 80.9% (n = 123) of whom were vaccinated against SARS-Cov-2, and 19.1% (n = 29) were unvaccinated. When the treatment processes of the participants were analyzed in general, it was observed that the clinical condition of the individuals who received at least one dose of BNT162b2 vaccine did not worsen (χ2 = 40.080; p = .011). It was determined that BNT162b2 vaccine was not among the vaccine preferences of the cases who needed to be transferred to the intensive care unit in this process and whose clinical processes resulted in death during follow-up in intensive care or service after intensive care referral (χ2 = 64.417; p = .024). According to these results, our study proves once again the protective role of vaccines against epidemic diseases and their progression

    Effects of music therapy on the care burden of in-home caregivers and physiological parameters of their in-home dementia patients: A randomized controlled trial

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    WOS: 000460944600004PubMed: 30497077Objectives: This study was conducted to explore the effects of classical Turkish music therapy on both the caregiver burden and physiological parameters of patients with dementia. Methods: The study was a randomized controlled trial. It was conducted with dementia patients (n = 75) and their caregivers who were registered at in-home care services of the General Secretariat of the Association of Public Hospitals in Ordu. The study sample consisted of 30 control and 30 music group patients and their caregivers who satisfied the inclusion criteria for the study conducted between April 2015 and April 2016. The primary outcome of the study was to measure the care burden of in-home caregivers, and the secondary outcome was to measure physiological parameters, including systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration rate in patients with dementia. Results: The mean scores of the post-test caregiver burden in the music group were found to be significantly lower than those of the control group (t = -4.478, p = 0.001). The differences in the post-test systolic and diastolic blood pressures between the patient groups were found to be statistically significant (t = -4.603, p = 0.001; t = -2.656, p = 0.010). Conclusions: Classical Turkish music intervention in inhome dementia patients decreased the care burden of caregivers and the patients' blood pressures were brought under control. In parallel with these results, it is recommended that more studies to reveal the effects of classical Turkish music on care burden should be conducted. (c) 2018 S. Karger AG, Base